The Guild of the Silver Rondel is the dance guild in the Kingdom of Lochac (the area covered by Australia and New Zealand) in the Society for Creative Anachronism. Both dancers and musicians who play dance music can join.
The guild has a charter.
What does the Guild do?
The guild encourages pre-17th century dancing. It:
- Holds the Bal d’ Argent. This is the social dance event of the year, and usually includes dance classes.
- Holds competitions at the Bal d’Argent for the Silver Serif; one for an individual dancer and another for a group performance of dancers.
- Holds a competition at the Bal d’Argent for the Breve (formerly Silver Semibreve); for musicians.
- Holds a non-rondel competition at the Bal d’Argent for dancers who are not in the guild
How do you become a member?
If you are a dancer you need to show three existing members of the Order that you are able to do a number of dances well. If they agree, they send a message to the Secretary and you become a member. The token for the dancing members of the Order is the Silver Rondelle – a silver ring suspended on red and blue ribbon.
See the charter for more information on the types and categories of dances that you need to be able to do.
If you are a musician you need to be able to show three members of the order, at least one of whom must be musically competent, that you can play dances from the same types and categories well (see the charter). If they agree they send a message to the Secretary and you become a member. The token for the musicians who are members of the Order is the Silver Semibreve – a silver ring suspended on red and white ribbon.
As membership for musicians has only recently been introduced the group of 3 members who consider the potential new member will at first need to be Rondels and at least one of them must be a musically knowledgeable Rondel approved by the secretary. When we have more Silver Semibreves the group should contain at least one of them and preferably more, and future secretaries would not then have to be involved until a the new member has been accepted.
You can also be tested at the Bal d’Argent if you like.
Members may hold both a Silver Rondelle and a Silver Semibreve, in which case they may wear either both tokens or a silver ring suspended on blue, red and white ribbon.